Torcher slang definition of cracker

Information and translations of torcher in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions. Synonyms for cracker at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. The term cracker was also given to the farm hands that would work on the plantations as slave drivers. A commonly abused illegal drug, cocaine has limited medical uses, most often in surgical applications that take advantage of the fact that, in addition to its anesthetic effect, it constricts small arteries. The plate cracked when i dropped it, but it was still usable. Does it target all whites or just a subsection of whites. According to the algorithm behind urban thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for torture are. Its also anything that cracks, like a firecracker or a computer code cracker, or of course, that thin, savory snack that cracks when you break it. The meaning of the word has changed a lot over the last four. Cracker slang definition of cracker slang by the free. What does the racial term cracker mean and how did the term. It implies a person who lives in the utmost worst conditions and a person who no one really cares about. A cracker is a xmas festive thing resembling a toilet roll covered with tissue and decorations the cracker has a small explosive which goes off when you pull it the cracker usually holds a paper hat,a token and a joke the joke is usually terrible hence the term a cracker of a joke. They are from kitchener, ontario and are known for sodomizing ontarian eardrums.

It is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as insulting. Alternate form of peckerhead, usually used affectionately. One theory is that it refers to the cracked corn that was a major part of the diet of poor southern whites. Cracker definition of cracker by medical dictionary. Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is a racial epithet for white people, used especially for poor rural whites in the southern united states. How did it come to be or where did it orginate from. While hacker can refer to any skilled computer programmer, the term has become associated in popular culture with a security hacker, someone who, with their technical knowledge, uses bugs or exploits to break into computer systems. Ere twice the horses of the sun shall bring their fiery torcher his diurnal ring, a torch song. Crack slang synonyms, crack slang pronunciation, crack slang translation, english dictionary definition of crack slang. You are a urban dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. Internet slang extremely silly, absurd or offthewall ideas or prose. Note that it is not an australianamerican slang dictionary.

Some crackers break into a network system deliberately to point out the flaws. This one is simplea nitrous cracker is the handheld device you use to crack a can of nitrous oxide for the most insane whippit buzz ever. Definition of bitch eating crackers the online slang. A term in southeastern united states english to describe poor white trash, derived from the scottish meaning of the verb to crack, which, in this sense denotes ostentation. Information and translations of torture in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Cracker means something entirely different in florida. Use of the word in this sense often implies that the poor white person is regarded as bigoted, ignorant, or the like. A thin crisp wafer or biscuit, usually made of unsweetened dough. A very flat bottom, with too many small blisters, usually goes with a very tender, flat cracker. Meaning instrument for crushing or cracking is from 1630s. Ive never been called a cracker myself but if i was i would know it was meant as hurtful, insulting and basically. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the slangit team. Cracker conveys history of bigotry that still resonates cnn. Cracker is always disparaging and offensive when used to refer to a poor white person in the south.

The amount of misinformation contained in some of these answers is amazing. Torcher definition of torcher by the free dictionary. Crack definition, to break without complete separation of parts. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. A cracker is an individual who performs cracking, or the process of breaking into a computer or a network system. A painful shit that is caused by eating fast food, lapping up hot sauce, drinking lots of tequila, etc. Definition of creamcrackered the online slang dictionary.

Jul 01, 20 cracker, the old standby of anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the united states itself. Torchere definition, a tall stand for a candelabrum. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken english. Cracker was a derogatory term applied to these poor farmers from before the american revolution. Im white but it does not bother me to hear the term.

Cracker definition of cracker by the free dictionary. Sep 29, 2019 torcher plural torchers one who torches something the torchers of buildings must be dealt with. He also scored a cracker of a goal in the firsthalf. This page explains what the slang term cracker means. A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops. A cracker is not a slave owner or overseer cracking a whip. In american slang,what does a cracker mean,and is it. It is documented in william shakespeares king john act ii. The atlanta crackers was a minor league baseball team in the aa league until 1965 when the milwaukee braves moved to atlanta. Cracker definition in the cambridge english dictionary. A stronger flour or less fermentation are indicated.

Definition of the slang term cracker with an example. Cracker slang article about cracker slang by the free. Crackers definition of crackers by the free dictionary. Crackerjack definition is a person or thing of marked excellence. Information and translations of torcher in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The online etymology dictionary traces the slur cracker.

Torture definition is the infliction of intense pain as from burning, crushing, or wounding to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure. There is a classic definition of the term hacker, arising from its first documented uses related to. The term is generally considered archaic by some and inadvertently derogatory, especially in the africanamerican community. Cracker, the old standby of anglo insults was first noted in the mid 18th century, making it older than the united states itself. Definition of cracker in the medical dictionary by the free dictionary.

But it turns out cracker s roots go back even further than the 17th century. The original root of this is the middle english word crack, meaning entertaining conversation as one may be said to crack a joke. Cracker comes from the gaelic word craic which means a good conversation and is still in use in ireland today. All the way back to the age of shakespeare, at least. Chain of resturaunts that is based on a country store gimmick that combines a fairly varied store that sells mostly woodwork such as chairs and a resturaunt that is. Make a phone call, sometimes meaning to the police to inform on. Cracker meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. Torture definition, the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. This slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of bitch eating crackers is. Various theories exists regarding this term s application to poor white southerners.

The term is, indeed, a somewhat derogatory term for white people. Mar 01, 2010 this feature is not available right now. Its also anything that cracks, like a firecracker or a computer code cracker, or of. Looking for online definition of cracker or what cracker stands for. Definition of christmas on a cracker the online slang. In mainstream press, the word hacker is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. Where does the term cracker come from, and how disparaging is it. The highestpowered fire cracker sold to the general public threepenny bunger. With a single phrase, rachel jeantel, that friend of trayvon martins, may have lit a fuse in the trial of his accused killer. A cracker is a thin, crisp biscuit which is often eaten with cheese. Jul, 2010 im pretty sure cracker is an anti white racial slur right. Jul 01, 20 with a single phrase, rachel jeantel, that friend of trayvon martins, may have lit a fuse in the trial of his accused killer. It was used to refer to poor whites, particularly those.

Crackerjack definition of crackerjack by merriamwebster. The term its a cracker came about during the 70s from a tv program called the comedians one them whos. Origin americas mulatto is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent. This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers. A variety of spelling that uses numbers and symbols that approximate the shape of certain letters, using for example 1 and 5 for i and s, used primarily.

Titled celtic christmas, this second solo album from tommy is a real cracker. The term is widely used in latin america and caribbean usually without suggesting any. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples log in dictionary. Where does the term cracker come from, and how disparaging.

Joe cole scored a cracker of a goal, but norwich were certainly not outclassed, except up front. Do white people actually find the term cracker offensive. The term cracker was in use during the elizabethan era to describe braggarts. Americanaustralian slang dictionary robert p oshea.

Definition of crackerhead the online slang dictionary. Another theory is that the term refers to whips that crackers used to drive slaves or cattle. It is sometimes used in a neutral context in reference to a native of florida or georgia see florida cracker and georgia cracker. When used by black people, cracker can refer to a southern white racist, not necessarily poor or rural. And what is the difference between a florida cracker and a georgia cracker. The final was a real cracker with some marvellous pitching from both sides. Sense of computer cracker, crack, cracking, were promoted in the 1980s as an alternative to hacker, by programmers concerned about negative public associations of hack, hacking creative computer coding. A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem.

It has been taken as an offensive and derogatory term to people of caucasian or european descent and is largely considered a slur in modern usage. Cracker definition and meaning collins english dictionary. In american slang,what does a cracker mean,and is it offensive. Torcher definition is one that gives light with or as if with a torch. At the merciful close of key prosecution witness rachel jeantels testimony in the trial of george zimmerman for the murder of trayvon martin, defense attorney don west asked ms. It is a farmers who raised only cracked products, such as wheat and corn. Coal cracker is from 1853 of persons, 1857 of machinery that breaks up mined coal. During and after the event your asshole burns due to the.

A cracker might be performing cracking for malicious activities, profit, for certain nonprofit intentions or causes, or just for a challenge. Definition 4 is used as a neutral nickname or term of selfreference. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one. Today, cracker is often used as a derogatory term for a white person for obvious reasons. One who gives light with a torch, or as if with a torch. The slang word phrase acronym bitch eating crackers means.